Mulch installation is essential for all trees and landscapes. The professionals at Alpha Lawns can assist you in all of your seasonal needs.


Spring Installation

Plant and tree roots depend on their surroundings for healthy development. Adding a thick layer (optimally, 2-4 inches) in the spring assists in soil temperature regulation and moisture retention as temperatures shift. 


Spring is an ideal time for weeds to germinate and grow. Mulch can prevent weed growth up to two-thirds in landscape beds. In many cases (usually with help from treatment services),  it can dramatically decrease the frequency of pesky weed-pulling.


Summer Installation

Summer heat can dry up the soil and destroy plant growth. A fresh layer of mulch can protect soil from excessive heat (and keep it cooler than bare soil) and deliver more moisture to plants.


The heat also aids in increasing decomposition. Mulch releases essential nutrients into the soil as it decomposes, helping your plants flourish.


Fall Installation

A fresh installation is an essential part of a Fall Checklist. As the season comes to an end and you put your property “to bed” for the winter, mulch is a must


It protects roots from extreme temperatures and regulates soil temperature. It discourages the harmful freeze/thaw pattern that can be disastrous to roots. As the season progresses, it continues to decompose, which sets your plants up for a successful “spring” back to life the following year.


Let’s Talk

The professional team at Alpha Lawns is here to serve you. We have the manpower and equipment to perform mulch installations of all sizes. Residents and business owners alike will benefit from our high quality of service in Boone County. 


Don’t wait! Contact us today.
